Diva Redefined


Must-Have Fall Accessories: Leather Totes

Any woman knows how important it is to find a reliable every day bag. Ya know, something that’s the perfect blend of both style, function and durability (sounds like shopping for a car right? haha). All jokes aside, having a strong tote game is serious business for any lady on the go.

My hunt for the perfect leather tote began two years ago in grad school. It was important to me that I find something that would last a long time and would be able to get me through long class days and frequent travel. These are my top pics for finding quality leather totes.


Must-have Fall Accessories: Hats!

pink baret

Growing up in Kentucky I always knew the value of hats. Thousands of women would dote around the race track in their finest hats each year at the Derby. My grandma had huge square boxes with the most beautiful church hats inside of them. I was always amused with the array of styles and fashions.


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“You are beautiful for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.” — Pslam 139:14